3 Importing the ESMA data into R
3.1 Wrap the import operation in one R function
The .csv files containing the lists of financial products identifiers (ISIN numbers) are released by the European Securities and Markets Authority
Set directory:
x = the .csv file name, for ex.: nonequity_si_calculations_-_publication_file 15-10-18 - SI calculations.csv
Import .csv from directory, set up column names and classes, set decimal sign to “.”
SI_import <- read.csv(x, header = TRUE, dec = ".",
col.names = c("From", "To", "ISIN", "Transactions", "Turnover"),
colClasses = c("character", "character", "character", "character", "character"))
Change the format of col. “From” and “To” into date
SI_import$From <- as.Date(SI_import$From, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
SI_import$To <- as.Date(SI_import$To, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
Remove “,” after thousands
SI_import$Transactions <- gsub(",","", SI_import$Transactions)
SI_import$Turnover <- gsub(",","", SI_import$Turnover)
Change col. Transactions and Turnover into numeric
SI_import$Transactions <- as.numeric(SI_import$Transactions)
SI_import$Turnover <- as.numeric(SI_import$Turnover)
Replace zero’s by NA’s
Return the table SI_import